The Movie, Time, and Death After watching this Animation Movie, I realized many things. I realized that death is inevitable. In the movie, you have chances to turn back time, and return to change it. But in reality, you can't. All you can do is, correct what you previously done. Death according to some people, can be avoided, or skipped. I come to wonder, does "Time Travelling" do exist? Are there Time Travelers among us? Aliens? or even people from the distant future? If so, how did they do it? These questions come to bother me in my quiet instances alone. If death comes to me, will I be ready for it? will it be brutal? natural? If so, can I make it sweeter? Will I die with a bullet on my head? Will I get hit by a car? there are many chances, many possibilities. but, I will never know. But i'm certain i am going to die. Not because it's God's fate or destiny for me, but it's how life works. I can say God gave me knowledge and wisdom for me...