The Movie, Time, and Death

After watching this Animation Movie, I realized many things.
I realized that death is inevitable. In the movie, you have chances to turn back time, and return to change it.
But in reality, you can't. All you can do is, correct what you previously done. 
Death according to some people, can be avoided, or skipped. 
I come to wonder, does "Time Travelling" do exist? Are there Time Travelers among us? Aliens? or even people from the distant future?
If so, how did they do it?
These questions come to bother me in my quiet instances alone. 
If death comes to me, will I be ready for it? will it be brutal? natural?
If so, can I make it sweeter? Will I die with a bullet on my head? Will I get hit by a car?
there are many chances, many possibilities. but, I will never know.
But i'm certain i am going to die. Not because it's God's fate or destiny for me, but it's how life works.
I can say God gave me knowledge and wisdom for me to think this way, and I thank Him for this.

Death , oh sweet Death. Well, I have a bucket list here from which i got a 88*it should be higher than 88, but i got deducted for passing it late* grade for it in my Philosophy.

My very own Bucket List before my final curtain calls

Death is a very scary word from which sends chills to me whenever I hear it. I have experienced death before, and it was an experience that I wouldn’t want to happen again to me. I have also seen death works at a car crashed into an old woman in front of me, a jogger collapsed and soon blood came out of his mouth, and most especially, my cousin lying on his deathbed. Yes, death is a very tragic and yet, the most painful part of life. But, death is inevitable, and it will all come to us. It may be a horrendous death, like what I’ve seen on movies, or a sudden yet, peaceful death. You’ll never know when your time would come. I always take death as something sad, and even made me say, if they can escape death, I can too. I didn’t want to die before, but this changed, ever since I realized that life is sweet, but death is sweeter because of people who inspired me.

Some incidents in life makes you rediscover you as a person and give you strength to overcome every obstacle that comes your way. Death is indeed sweeter, it is yours, and should allow life to take its natural course. But of course, it also helps in molding you as a person, ironic, but when you put death as something positive, you should know how to value life, and its wonders. Ever since I became a human rights defender, an activist for the people, I know, it’s a dangerous career, and somehow, I am prepared for it. I even experienced it firsthand, back when I was 8 years old, when I drowned in our pool. I died for 15 minutes, as what my uncle shared with me. But I was revived after. I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life, as what the late Cory Aquino said. Though I smell my death on the sheet, whenever I cover myself with a blanket, here are some of the things I want to accomplish before my final curtain fall.

I always wanted to put up a university with my name on it. A nationalist, mass-oriented, and scientific school that is free, because in reality, we have very miniscule numbers of free school here in our country, and I know, this would forever be remembered by the students that will enroll here.

Also, I always wanted to be a novelist, and write lots of novels. I even tried making one, but accidentally, my mom burned my notebooks. A novel that would relate to what is happening to our world now, and how it could shape and mold people’s lives to be someone like Jesus Christ, a man for and with others.

I wanted to have my own family, because I for one came from a broken family, and would want to have mine as somewhat different. A family that I would always care for, lives with, and dies with because I know; family bonds us through thick and thin.
Since I am an activist, I want to have a significant speech “a speech that would reach millions, and forever will be remembered, like of Ernesto Guevarra’s speech on imperialism, Mao Ze Dong’s, and Ka Crispin Beltran’s. A speech that would intensify the people’s struggle against tyranny, oppression and imperialism, and because of this, I would be remembered with what I fight for and struggling to live for. Let a thousand flowers bloom, and have them realized that they can be part of history together with the masses, and to witness socialism and experience it firsthand here in the Philippines.

I also wanted to have a museum, with the Filipino traditions, history, my obra maestras and also life within it. It would be a venue for people to see how we lived, our entrenched beings that made us unique and what we were before.
I wanted to have a home by the sea. I know, it would be dangerous especially when it comes to Tsunamis, but I always wanted to hear the calmness of the sea, the sweet symphonies the crashing waves create, and also, the breath of life we seep into our lives.

Of course, I would like to travel the whole world, the world I see on the internet, countries I see on pages of the magazines. I want to experience their cultures and the places like the 8 wonders, dive into the dream sea with the blue whales, and see the Aurora Australis that never fails to mesmerize me. I want to visit the Forbidden Palace and Great Wall in China, experience the Cherry blossoms in Japan and samurais, and also meet new people.

I want to be a Scientist Doctor for the people. It was my childhood dream, to invent, heal and contribute something that would help develop our lives, like a cure for illness such as cancer, and heal the wounds of the people for free. I want to help in this way and serve as an example to others, that money isn’t the world, but just a speckle of it.

I also wanted to be a priest, a preacher, teaching the words of the Teacher. Whatever religion, it doesn’t matter, so as long as I could deliver the message of God, that would inspire the people to live equally, to share , and to love each other. Like the Blessed John XXIII, a loving man for others, and doesn’t use religion to oppress, but to inspire people to have Jesus within them - Both in words and in actions.

Lastly, this would rather be my final wish on my Bucket List before I die; I want to watch the proverbial sunrise, coming up over the pacific, and you might think I’m losing my mind, but I will shy away from the specifics. I want to see it for the last time with my comrades, with my friends, and I want to die meaningfully, being killed because of my advocacy, I want to struggle to end oppression, ‘till my dying moments, I want to have a meaningful death, that would inspire people, motivate them to fight for justice, peace and never ending genuine freedom. As my vision would go dim, till point black, I want to shout one more time, on my deathbed, on the streets, and even on the hands of my captors, I would like to shout: “MABUHAY ANG REBOLUSYON NG MAMAMAYANG PINAGSASAMANTALA! MABUHAY ANG MASANG-ANAKPAWIS! MAKAKAMIT RIN NATIN ANG ISANG LIPUNANG WALANG PAGSASAMANTALA AT TUNAY NA MALAYA!“

Well, This movie is a must watch. Certified best of the bests!


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