Sa hiyawan at kalungkutan ( Cheerdance Episode ) *very late post*

It's been a while since i last had my blog entry here.
Many weeks had passed.
Well, this entry would most likely revolve in my 2011 experience with Cheerdance competition in Ateneo.(and also other stuffs that happened in this College event)

I never expected that students will be texting me,calling me and whenever we cross our roads at the campus, they will ask questions regarding "tickets".
I know that there were alloted tickets per division. But, I don't have the power over that. Funny, that even some students and friends I know, asked me to let them in, since I'm part of the Security Forces(ASSF).

Conscience. Yep, my conscience bothers me. But, it would be very unfair to those students who made efforts falling in line just to have a ticket for the said event. Mind you, there are like 7948 students enrolled in the second semester, and even if we say only 50% of the whole populace? eh, it wouldn't fit to that Covered court(coz there are chairs and etc, eating up the space). And to think, we pay a lot for the miscellaneous fees, and only getting a meager convenience. Talk about "Service".

Now,now. Going back to the main course of this entry. "Tickets" and the whole ticketing system.
There were a number of students parading outside the Samahan office, gambling for luck to obtain this so-called "Ticket" for them to watch the events prepared by the students and some members of the university. My God, and in one division, there are more than a thousand of students , and only a number of tickets are available. So the division representatives along with other officers of the said Student Gov't, decided to have a "First come, First Serve" basis on the tickets.

And it echoed even in social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, looking for luck to have a ticket.

I kept on wondering and asking myself, "Yes, tickets that would be sold will be given to the foundation or charity Ateneo has," but but but WAIT. Even some scholars of the school also protests to this kind of "scheme" or "system". Why? Because it caters only to a number, but not to the majority.

Why? months before the said event, the gov't should prepare for things needed, people to talk with, sponsors, etc.
And for how many years, after the successful opening of the "Ateneo Matina Campus Sports Complex", why can't we use it for big events such as College Days and Fiesta?(or are they just one?)
Last two years ago, parents were sold tickets costing more than the original price, and they are fake tickets by the way. Who were to be blamed? US. but, it's not a matter of who is to blame. rather, why this happened? Why? How?
we know why it happened and how it happened, and it was very sad. Very sad that many were disappointed, dismayed, angered and really pissed from the system.

Now now, going back again. The Tickets. Oh, the magical tickets.
In a certain division, there were alloted tickets. It was one of the populated division in Ateneo de Davao University. In my surprise, well, I wasn't happy for it though, a number of tickets were reserved for so-called "SURE SUPPORTERS" of the dancers, for a reason that students who bought tickets from other divisions, sell them to others afterwards. Hence, reducing the so-called "cheerers" of the division.
An announcement was posted in a social networking site, wherein , people connected to the person hurriedly tagged their friends.
Question here was, "How about the others students not connected or doesn't have the luxury to be updated via Facebook or Twitter?"
So much for "New Media". The students have the right to be informed ahead of time. We advocate for Transparency, but we ourselves do not. Walk the Talk, if i may put it.
Many students texted me a day before if I happen to know where the exact building and room the selling and distribution of tickets will take place.
I asked help from Secretariats of the division, and confirmed to the student.

The next day, where the selling of tickets took place.
I received texts that there were not enough tickets and they were more than the alloted tickets.
But one attest that they are in exact number. Too exact that tickets should be sold to them fair and square.

But, there were RESERVED tickets for a number of "FRIENDS" of the performers or "SOLID SUPPORTERS" to assure audience for the division. + there were alloted number of reserved tickets again for the ones who made the pompoms. But heck, too many pompom makers i say.

Many , Many , Many students were disappointed . Full of anguish and despair. You can see it through their eyes. Some even were too desperate to watch, that they bought tickets for a rocketing price of "P500" a ticket. @_@

So, an LCD projector and wide screen were prepared for the students whom failed to obtain or purchase a ticket.

It was time for the students to fall-in line. You could see the excitement from their faces. Some were too excited that they cheered head on, even before they could even enter the covered court.
Fast Forward>>>>
Okay, it was getting cranky and people were already complaining why it was progressing really slow.
Again, we, check the tickets, and let a number of students enter, so that we could cater all who have tickets.
It was really slow. I kept running from my post to another post, checking for updates.
People inside were already chanting and grunting, telling the emcees and staffs to have it started because it was getting late.
BUT, there are still a vast number of students who haven't entered the premises yet.
Know what happened? Some students who bought tickets from another division sat with their friends. Their fault? I think not.
All the students have tickets, then all who have tickets should be allowed to enter. But no. instead of having them entered the covered court, they were told to wait. We, the ASSF personnels followed orders. But, i contested that along with some of my colleagues.

They missed the opening performance and some of the part, just because of this "PERFECTION". Some people wanted it to be a perfect show for the SPONSORS and PRESTIGIOUS GUESTS. And they don't wanted to be embarrassed.

And so, they did. They forgot about the students, waiting in line outside. I tried asking them their opinion and suggestions. Some were even allowed to enter because a certain "personality" told us to have them in. They don't have TICKETS. I, for once know most of the students in Ateneo. A Varsity? A friend? A staff? Who-hoah! A student letting another student? come on. But, who am I to disrespect their HIGHNESS. All i had to do was to be with the students. With the security guards. For three years, I had to stay at the Exit Gate. Listening to the crowd yell. Even to my colleagues, i let them enjoy the show, for I know, they deserve it better than I am.

In the end, they all got inside, but , it was an experience - an experience that I had for several times. Faces may changed, but the whole rotten system was still the same. For the personalities hit by this entry, you have a  lot to learn from this, because these are my views, and some students verbatim.

Will you still let this system continue and let the majority suffer? or challenged this system and change it with the students. Well, it's up to you whether to hold with this certain "Prestige" or humble yourself and serve the "masses".

Faith in Action, Follow Christ, Serve the People!


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