Anak ng Bayan ( Children of the Nation )
Anak ng Bayan - Musikang Bayan

Whenever I listen to the lyrics of the song, I'm reminded of my youth, of my life, and what I do for my countrymen and for my Mother Country.
This song reminds me of the children who struggle everyday. They struggle for food. They struggle for your eyes and ears to see and listen. They struggle for Genuine National Democracy in the Philippines.
They struggle in the streets, in their daily lives, from poverty from which the government continues to neglect.
The rich becomes richer, while the poor gets poorer. Even with the new administration, nothing had changed. They only think of their interests, their own bourgeois and elite interests, while the people keeps on dying because of hunger, injustice, and human rights violation.
When these children of the nation fight for their rights, the government is deaf and blind. Instead of listening to their legitimate demands and needs, they're answered with goons and guns.
When will they listen? When will they give us the true Independence? When will the government of the Philippines answer our just demands? Aren't we entitled of free and quality education?
Aren't we entitled of freedom to express? Aren't we entitled to LIVE?

We know they'll not listen to the toiling Filipino masses, but will continue to be puppets of the US- Imperialist.
We're the future of our nation.

"...only through militant struggle can the best in the youth emerge..." - Jose Maria Sison.


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