They call it Gazebo, I call it Sanctuary (Funny and Yet Sweet Story II)

Dear Abon and Fisda,

Here's the second and last part of my story.
Since that day, we started communicating through text. And sometimes we call each other. 
I couldn't help blushing whenever I get to hear her.
Whenever I sees her in campus, I'm still nervous to be near her.
Or even say "hi" to her.
I don't know, maybe I'm still a torpe.
There were instances that we crossed paths, but I hesitated to say hi.

But, I had to be brave. I must face my fears.

Although, she's not the one I feared, but something else.
I feared of hurting her or being hurt.

But it's part of our lives.

It was September 14, 2010. I really had to meet her in person.
Our friendship should be somewhat, formal. 
Yes, it happened in the Gazebo area again. But it wasn't planned at all.
I was conversing with my friend, since I saw him near the "Bro" benches. When I was about to sit down, EGAD!
She's sitting behind us. I mean, meters away from us, but hence, she's still behind us. 
I was so dumbfounded that I had forgotten that the same spot she's sitting on was her usual spot. 

But, I pretended I didn't see her. But I'm so conscious of my actions. 
Is she staring at me? Are they staring at me? 
What should I do.
So, I texted her. 
She didn't reply, so I was a bit sad.

But minutes had passed, and she replied.


It put a smile on my face. I was happy. Shucks! My happiness is so meager. 
The bell rang, and people started leaving the vicinity of the Gazebos. 
So I decided to leave, my friend and I part ways. 

I texted her again, wondering if we could finally meet, but I am just courageous through text messages. I was sketching something, and I wanted to give it to her. She said she was going home already and asked where I am.

I texted her a corny message saying,

"Ui, may ipinapabigay nga pala yung kaibigan ko para sa iyo."

I saw her looking for me, I hid myself, so that she will not see me. But, when she left, I tried to follow her, and surprise her.

Talk about ironies. I was surprised. She's fast. I mean, she was gone.
I texted her where she went, she said she's near the Finance, so I went back heading to the Finance Building, and,

"(O M G ! O M G ! O M G! She's heading this way) Uhm, pinapabigay nga pala ng kaibigan ko. *I handed over my drawing to her* Hi, Ako nga pala si .. "

EUREKA! We've finally met in person. I mean formally.
I walked with her for like 10 minutes, going towards the Claveria gate.
Man! I was so inspired and so happy.
I can't stop smiling and smiling and smiling!

And we continued seeing each other. Although, not being with each other. But, I find it very enchanting and memorable.

And for the last part.
This is far most the unforgettable of them all.
I was in Manila for a long time, and she's is always there to cheer me up. As if we're already couples.
There were times that Facebook is going crazy.
Why did I say Facebook is crazy?
They married us both. And also engaged us.

Both of us are startled and even wondering how it happened.

I guess It's destiny or a sign <3

When I finally arrived from Manila, she's was there to welcome me back. I mean, not physically, but I know she's there.
She was happy I'm back. But if you'd ask me?
Words can't even describe how I feel.

I wanted to be with her.
I wanted to see her.
I wanted to laugh with her, cry with her, dance in the rain with her.

I know. I'm really going off board. But I know, I'm not obsessed.
I'm not, because obsession would devour your whole time.
But I don't. I have time for my passion on serving the people, and time for my friends and family.
And most of all, a time with her.

October 30, 2010, 10:39AM
At the mini-auditorium.
She waited for me there. Or should I say, waited for her number.
She was going to pay for her Tuition.
So I accompanied her.

Weeks since I last saw her, I finally was with her.
The moment I saw her, I was really blushing, and still, have this nervousness in me.
But, I spent every minute with her with happiness and also, little fun .
I joke with her. Listen music with her. And of course, I held her hand for the very first time. I can't say anything but, It's Romantic. For me of course. 

After paying, we had a simple, yet funny "date" at Gaisano Mall.
We walked around, and I sometimes put my arms on her shoulders, so that people won't budge or hit her.
She's precious and of course, dear to me.

We walked in circles, looking something to eat, well, I was the one who wanted to eat. 

This part is the FUN PART.

I told her to pat the kid, or smile at the kid.
Guess what she did.
EGAD! She's really cute!
I mean, Her, Ms.Sanctuary.
She giggled.
And Not only that, after ordering McFlurry at McDonalds, 
I pointed at a kid, but then I said, not to continue.

BOY! She didn't listen. She patted the kid.
That was really hilarious. So we hasten our pace and went outside.

But I'm starting to be sad.
Like Cinderella, my time with her is limited.

She had to go home, for she has to take her medicines.

I'm so glad, happy, and very very blessed having her.
I hope we could be together forever, whatever the weather.

I hope she reads this.
I hope she laughs, smile, cry, and dance in the rain with me.

So here ends, my short story of my romantic life.
To all the people out there. Be not afraid to show how you really feel for your love one. But be mindful and be responsible with your actions.

I wished and hoped that I inspired you with my story.

I'll leave you with a quote from Pablo Neruda that goes,

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. 

I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;

so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep"

Thank you again Abon Fisda for giving me the opportunity to share my story with you.
I'll keep you updated through Facebook.

More power and God bless.

Sincerely yours,



  1. sino ba to dowg?


  2. The gazebo is now enjoying an explosion in popularity on both sides of the atlantic, to be the proud owner of a quality gazebo construction in your garden is now a status symbol that is available to all homeowners with a garden - mainly because of the emergence of the gazebo kit.


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